“Wikidata” is a collaborative linked open data platform where facts can be stored, edited and queried semantically. In the project, metadata on selected publications by members of the Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science are systematically integrated into Wikidata. This enables tools such as “Scholia” to automatically generate profiles of researchers and institutions or to increase their visibility in profiles on specific topics, scientific journals, conferences or awards.
By involving research staff and library staff of the participating organisations in the data integration process, they are introduced to the use of Wikidata. In addition to the increased visibility of the work of the LFV members, the project ensures that metadata is collected in a sustainable and open, freely usable resource (Wikidata) and thus made accessible for further research projects. At the same time, new tools will be implemented in the course of the project and competences in Wikidata will be taught and consolidated.