Engaging researchers in the reuse of available data is a major goal of developing research data infrastructures, is demanded by stakeholders in politicss, and is a core element of an open science. But although available research data offers several advantages, the practice of reusing data is not widely adopted.
The research project “Reusing research data in a time of crisis: A change in research practices in the COVID-19 pandemic?” addresses the reuse of available research data. The project investigates a potential change in research practices from a focus on primary research to an increased acceptance of secondary research caused by crises like the current COVID-19 pandemic. In the current crisis, primary research in the social and economic sciences (including educational and behavioural sciences) is constrained by social distancing. Thus, our hypothesis is that the constraints should lead researchers to reuse available research data as a replacement for primary data collections that are much more difficult to conduct. We will investigate this hypothesis using an online questionnaire among researchers. Potentially, we will complement the self-report data by measures of objective data usage provided by research data centres. We will present results in scientific publications and engage in a dissemination to affect researchers’ current practice.